Monday, January 11, 2016

WEEK #70 It's a Wonderful Life

Hey guys!  So looks like were in December again!  Crazy how fast this year has gone.. honestly hard to believe how fast the time is flying.  This week last year I was stricken down with Dengue and in bed all week in Santa Barbara getting fed bean soup and tortillas.  hahaha just grateful this year to be healthy right now and working hard.  but just crazy to think where I was last year and what I was doing as opposed to this year and just remembering all the good times and experiences from last Christmas!  good stuff.

Well what can I say about this week.. it was a real good one for sure!  I forgot my planner so I cant remember everything but the coolest part of this week for sure was the baptism we had of my little dude Jefferson!  It was such a great spiritual experience.  Made me so happy to see him just absolutely lit up and never gonna forget the look on his face as we were listening to the talks before his baptism and he was just sitting in his chair looking at everyone that was there supporting him!  It was a really good turn out cause his whole family was there including the non member older brothers of his family and they were all supporting him in what he was doing.  He was just sitting there looking at all of them and had the biggest smile on his face and I think it was probably the first time that his family has supported him like that and he must have felt just so special!  I was just so stoked for him and his righteous desire to follow the Savior!!  My comp did the ordinance and was pretty nervous doing it for the first time and excited for his first baptism on his mission!!  It was just too cool how well everything went down and the Spirit was just there!  We watched the Restoration video as they were changing in the bathroom and man I know it was just so good for his older brothers to see that and the spirit was just undeniable.  The Restoration is real.  It happened.  It was necessary.  God loves us.  Also seeing little Jefferson getting confirmed Sunday was so cool as well!  He just looked so happy again and just such a good little guy! 

Anyways our other investigators are progressing little by little!  Finding some new stuff in the meantime!!  Life is good!  I'm happy!  Kid is doing good as well and starting to enjoy the mission a lot more!  Looks like I'm gonna be here in Trincheras for 6 months but its a good spot to be stuck 6 months in my opinion!  I love it here!  This new change I'm gonna just work this area like none other.  Its go time!!  Anyways that was about it for this week!  Hope your all having a great Holiday Season!  Its my favorite time of the year!!  Make sure to enjoy spending time with family and being charitable to those who are in need.  Also if you didn't see the Christmas Devotional make sure to watch it it was excellent!!  Really puts you in the Christmas spirit!! Love all of you!  Thanks for your support and love and motivation always!!

Love Elder Haden

P.S. bought a hammock this week and found the dopest spot up top for it.  ill send a pic.  its amazing.

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